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guide yourself:

30 minutes to unwind

Create your space:

Breeze? Socks on? Device silenced? Incense? Door open or closed? Pets tended?

If you would like to enjoy an incredible playlist while you practice, may I suggest you start here? This whole album (from the old days!) is incredible; if you only wish for tones to begin or end with, this 8+ minute song is divine:

(*note: if you do not use Spotify, simply goodgle "Namaste by various artists compilation 2003" and the album should be available wherever you listen to music.)


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- rest on your back, knees bent. reach your arms to the space behind you, then find a comfortable place to let them rest on the floor. feel your chest expand and your shoulders soften. take several slow, deep breaths here.

-tick tock chin bones from side to side for 1-2 minutes. allow the breath to inspire and inform your pace. feel your hips, legs and abdomen stretch and soften. 



- supine lunges 2-4x ea. side

- bridge or rolling bridge 3-5x

- knees into belly, rock side to side

- use prop or not: hamstring stretch with one leg at a time up in strap or hand. work to move knee toward straight with gentle, easy breaths.

- help yourself to hands/knees (you can also sit, stand or simply stay on your back here instead)

- cow/cat 5-10x as desired

- down dog? childs pose? some simple resting position to feel and notice breath and sensation

- come to stand and breathe 5x as you stand tall, noticing your feet, ankles and legs.

- fold forward and roll up in supportive and exploratory ways 3-5x

- stand tall and reach arms comfortably skyward: lean side to side several times while feeling your waist stretch. enjoy your breaths!

- take your own journey to come back to your back

- thread needle, 5 breaths per side

-tuck support under your knees. rest for 5-10 minutes.

may all beings everywhere be happy + free.

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